Canada Flags, Cargo Bikes, Construction, and Continuous Things in Victoria

With a bit of spare time to kill in and around Victoria, I spent some time in the City, along the regional trails, and checking in on early construction work for our ISL project at Uptown in Saanich that will support RapidBus and active transportation…

The Brompton in front of the BC parliament building… Canada flag manufacturers are doing great business these days…


Some interesting pockets of light on the Wharf bike lanes… And trying to get a bit creative shooting through a… garbage bin…

I’ve said it before, cargo bike moms and dads are the indicator species of a great bike network… The Victoria bike valet makes the decision to bring your expensive bike into the centre even easier…

Taking your other bike for a ride… Something I think I’d only seen in the Netherlands until now…

Thinking a lot about bollards right now… This guy is making good use of them to save putting a foot down… But if you found this blog post through social media, what’s your take on Bollards? Who is removing them entirely? Anywhere applying innovative solutions to reduce the likelihood of collision? for example through better forewarning. Leave a comment…

More pockets of light framing this rider on the Johnson Street Bridge…

More bollards approaching ISL’s first Victoria bike lane project on Harbour Road…

Waiting for a truck turning slowly across the Harbour Road bike lane…

More bollards…

Early construction update on our ISL Uptown project that we took from planning study through concept design and detailed design… Per the MOTT press release… “Major improvements to the Uptown area of Saanich will make it easier for people to choose transit to get around Greater Victoria. A contract has been awarded for the completion of the Ravine Way Transit and Active Transportation Improvements at the Uptown Mobility Hub. This hub will become the region’s principal RapidBus exchange and route connector.” Looking forward to seeing work finished later this summer…

Those turn restrictions aren’t just for construction… Bus and bike only eastbound…

Back in James Bay by my hotel, these huge school pavement markings help increase driver awareness of the need to slow down and drive with care in this section…

And down by the water on Dallas Road… The new bike lane being used by that cargo bike dad…

That cargo bike again… Hood popped…

Next morning on Dallas Road… Interestingly… No bollards here… Anyone ever see a driver going up the bike lane here?

And further along Dallas Road, good wayfinding is always great to see… As is this relatively new continuous sidewalk. It’s such a simple design that priorities people walking through visual cues rather than relying on the rules of the road or even signage and pavement markings. It’s clear drivers are crossing the pedestrian space and should yield to them…

I like the throw back to the old street name… Continuous sidewalks or any raised elements mean you need to add catch basins… A price well worth paying to create a safer intersection in my opinion…

Interestingly, the pedestrian ramp area is combined with the vehicle ramp, which I’d normally try to avoid as you don’t want drivers turning across the area you expect a pedestrian to be, but as pedestrians have priority and should never actually be waiting here I think i’m ok with this… Also note that the curb across the intersection is a bit higher than a normal mountable curb helping to better slow turning traffic…


Nobody Bikes in Winter: Edmonton Edition