The Blog

Roy Symons Roy Symons

Nobody Bikes in Winter: Edmonton Edition

In the first week of March I was in Edmonton to share some ‘Lessons from the Dutch’ with the audience at the Consulting Engineers of Alberta Transportation Connects Conference, but I found a bit of time to wander around the city and take some photos of people getting around in the cold, maybe not as cold as prior weeks, but still minus temperatures…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

A Guide to Bicycle Photography

Photography can be easy or complicated depending on what you want to get out of it and how fussy you are about the results. This blog post will get into some basics on photography and how that might apply to taking photographs of bicycle infrastructure and the people using it… Hopefully it inspires others to start taking better photographs of the good things happening out there…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Back to Two-Wheeled Tranquility in Nijmegen, Netherlands

With a flight home out of Amsterdam, it would have been rude not to spend the last couple of days in the Netherlands, and after a few weeks in cities that still have a way to go in terms of bicycle infrastructure, it was so good to once again enjoy the ease of getting around the Netherlands by bicycle…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

The Award for Best Dressed “Cyclists” Goes to Vienna, Austria

You could say it was mostly just jeans, a nice coat, and maybe a scarf and hat… But it was a symbol that riding a bicycle was clearly just a normal part of daily life, and not something you had to dress differently for… This could be culture, or it could be enabled by the streets and bicycle infrastructure design…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Bike Paths and Promenades in Osijek, Croatia

Most people are probably well aware of the Croatian coast, but what are the inland cities like and do they have any bike infrastructure? With just two nights in Osijek, we get a glimpse of what the fourth biggest city in the country is like for getting around by bicycle...

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Bicycle Scenes from Paris

Paris has been getting a lot of press about its bicycle infrastructure for many years now… And for good reason… They’ve been pretty busy… Never having been there before, it was time to take in the sights and some of the bike infrastructure that gets you there…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Greenways and Bikeways in Burnaby and Vancouver

Another local bike ride with the long lens capturing some fresh updates to the Central Valley Greenway on my morning commute, then a few photos from a quick trip to Downtown Vancouver after work taking in some Seawall scenes and neighbourhood bikeways…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

A Few Bicycle Scenes from Victoria

Earlier this week, I had a couple of hours to spare in Victoria, so I brought along my long lens to experiment with different perspectives. Here’s what I captured...

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

The Streets of Utrecht

The final leg of our April 2024 trip takes us back to Utrecht, our favourite city in the Netherlands, for reasons I can’t fully explain. This time, we ride from Amersfoort and dive deeper into one of my favorite routes through the city. Along the way, we explore the usual highlights: protected bike lanes, bus rapid transit, bicycle streets, bike parking, and plenty of people getting around by bicycle, along with a few other interesting sights.

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

A Quick Loop Around Kelowna

Kelowna bike infrastructure is looking pretty good these days. Join me on a quick loop around the City taking in some protected bike lanes of varying styles, gravel trails, multi-use pathways and open (or closed) streets depending on your perspective…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Vancouver and North Vancouver Bike Tour

Come for a ride along some AAA bike infrastructure in Vancouver and North Vancouver as we take in a few of our ISL Engineering projects as well as many others along the way… Sharing some knowledge and a few insights as we go…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Scenes from Groningen: City of Bicycles

City of Bicycles, their claim, not mine, but it’s probably a fair one… Groningen has the highest mode share of people cycling anywhere in the world. We arrive in Groningen for Kings Night so expect some people getting around on bicycles while wearing a lot of orange, expect some bicycle scrambles, some back streets, and a few fast bicycle routes to neighbouring towns…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Bicycle Scenes Riding Through the Northern Netherlands

On this part of the trip we work our way across the north of the country, taking in some new locations to us, and seeing how far the good bike infrastructure extends north, beyond the mainland, and between small towns and cities as we head towards Groningen…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Bicycle Scenes from Alkmaar, Netherlands

A historic and compact city north of Amsterdam, we explore many tiny streets, pedestrian streets, bicycle streets, amongst the usual protected bike lanes, people of all ages and abilities riding bicycles, tulips, windmills, and some very changeable weather…

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Bicycle Scenes from Amstelveen and Amsterdam

Part 2 of the trip finds us back near Amsterdam, staying on the south side, discovering new bridges for active modes, ticking off the bike parkade, discovering a diverging diamond interchange, and… not kidding… a machine for cleaning flex posts….

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Roy Symons Roy Symons

Bicycle Scenes from Den Bosch

Starting the 2024 Netherlands Trip in Den Bosch, we get over jet lag while exploring the centre on foot, some infrastructure highlights further out, ride to neighbouring Tilburg, and see a few innovative things I haven’t seen before along the way… There continues to be more lessons from the Dutch…

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