A Few Bicycle Scenes from Victoria

Earlier this week, I had a couple of hours to spare in Victoria, so I brought along my long lens to experiment with different perspectives. Here’s what I captured...

We begin on Humboldt, but unfortunately with the focus on the car and not the person riding a bicycle… But I wanted to capture the interaction on this advisory bicycle lane with the sign in the foreground to provide an idea of what’s going on… Can’t nail it every time and I had to keep moving…

The first photo above is the intersection of Wharf, Humboldt and Government Street and the Parliament in the background. While many stay in the bike lanes, this guy is back on the road, I think because it makes it easier to continue north on Government Street…

Bicycle detected when illuminated… I like this sign… We should use it more, or even better… Lets add a countdown to green timer… There is something about knowing when your green is coming that provides a reassurance, and likely discourages people from jumping the red bicycle light…

Wharf busy…

Pandora… The OG…

Every bike can be a cargo bike…

People have the option to take the AAA Johnson Street Bridge MUP… But some still choose to stay on-street as it can be a bit faster… Depending on your destination obviously…

Johnson Street Bridge MUP…

Any footwear can be bike footwear… The Harbour Road protected bike lane was one of ISL’s first projects with the City…

1,158 cyclists on the Goose at 11.32am… Over half a million this year…

People sometimes complain about wiggles like this, but it makes for a more interesting photo…

Didn’t quite nail the framing here and kept moving… But there’s a cool shot here if I’d had more time…

The wooden bridge… It’s a bumpy ride on little Brompton wheels… But I hear there’s a Brompton with bigger wheels coming…

Continuous sidewalk happening on Gorge Road… one of our more recent ISL projects…

More advisory bike lanes on Government Street… This street changes quite a bit along it’s length as volumes reduce from bike lanes to advisory lanes to shared street…

Then back up Vancouver Street - designed by Toole and seen through construction by ISL - towards our ISL Engineering Victoria office that now sits at the corner of Vancouver and Fort Street…

That was it for this one, just a quick loop around some bits of the City…


Greenways and Bikeways in Burnaby and Vancouver


The Streets of Utrecht