Bike Lanes PDF Book


Protected bike lanes, they create so much controversy, yet provide so many benefits. When bike lanes were just paint lines at the side of the road, only the fearless used them. Then a few cities started separating and protecting the bike lanes from motor vehicle traffic, and as the network of protected lanes expanded, more and more poeple began to ride a bike, and more and more cities began to build protected bike lanes. 

Bike Lanes is a bit different from most urban cycling books. Photographs are central to the book, with each conveying an important principle of bike lane planning or design. Each photograph is accompanied by a short narrative that stands on it’s own, or combines to form the larger narrative in the book. Some photographs feature bike lanes I’ve helped design as a Professional Engineer working in British Columbia, Canada. Some others helped tell the story. All are examples from the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Hopefully you learn something and are inspired to plan, design, build, advocate for, or simply just try out some protected bike lanes for the first time.

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